60 North Hanover Street
Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464
60 North Hanover Street
Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464
(610) 326-2243
Trinity Reformed UCC
Trinity’s history is closely tied to the history of the German Reformed Church in America and with American history in Eastern Pennsylvania.
Our first preacher was Rev. John Philip Boehm, the founder of the Reformed Church in America, who traveled to Pottstown to form a German Reformed Congregation. Our original church lot was a gift by Pottstown founder John Potts in 1769. We joined the United Church of Christ in it’s formation in 1957.
We are a small church of believers who are passionately committed to living out the Bible’s call to care for those in need. Trinity’s Mission Statement is “Listen to God, Live By Faith, Love All People,” and we use that statement to guide all of our endeavors. We strive to be a community of extravagant welcome. We believe that each person we come in contact with is a beloved child of God, and we seek, with the help of God, to see and treat each person as such.
New here? Here are some commonly asked questions to get you started.
What must I do to become a member?
To be a member of Trinity Reformed Church of the United Church of Christ, you can join in one of the methods listed below. All ways of joining the church include standing before the congregation and stating or re-stating baptismal vows:
How often do you celebrate Holy Communion?
We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month at our morning service. We also celebrate communion on special occasions, such as Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday.
Who may take communion?
We view communion as Christ’s table, not ours. All are welcome.
Do you use wine or grape juice?
Both. Wine is in the outer circles of the tray. Grape juice is in the center ring for those who’d prefer it.
What must I do to have my child baptized?
We believe that baptism is a grace-filled gift from God, not a human good work, and as such it is not our intent to deny baptism to any child. However, we also feel that it is important that parents and our members of our congregation understand the serious nature and commitment of taking baptismal vows and vows of sponsorship. So, generally, to have a child baptized, one or both parents must be an active member in the church. The parent(s) must meet with a pastor to discuss the vows of baptism and their plans for fulfilling their vows with their child.
The questions and vows of baptism are as follows:
Do you baptize older children and adults?
Yes. The vows of baptism for older children and adults are very similar to the ones listed above, but directed at the individual rather than at the parents. Meetings similar to what take place for membership and infant baptism are required.
We are interested in having our wedding at Trinity. What do we need to do, and what are the costs associated?
If you are a church member or the child of a church member, you should contact the church office to tell us your wedding details. It is important you get your wedding date on the calendar as soon as it is decided so that other events and weddings aren’t planned for the time you want.
If you are a non-member searching for a church home, you should plan to attend worship or another activity to decide if this is where you want your church membership. Non-member weddings require approval so as not to conflict with church functions. Costs are nominal for church members. The pastor will provide you with a current fee schedule at your first counseling session.